miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

New (National Geographic)

Sun storm

Last week 11th setember a nuclear plant exploded in France, the cause was a sun storm.
The scientists said that the nuclear plant didn't have a leak, so the city was ok.

In my opinion this is very important new for all people because this situation could be repeated. I have read a lot about the Maya culture and they say that in 2012 the world will end. I know that this is improbable but the scientists say that maybe in 2012 there could be a very strong suny storm and with the heat of the sun all the energy that we have in the worls will be destroyed. With this situation all the world will become like in the past, with out electricity or other energies.
In conclusion I think that this new s is important for all the world because maybe these scientists tell the truth, so we have to prepare for these situation.

Writing (dialogue)

Anna: Hi Betty how are you?
Betty: I'm fane, I've just seen a film in at home.
Anna: Realy? Which movie have you seen?
Betty: Love, it is a love story it is bery beautifol, it is about a couple who have a lot of problems with their families to stay together.
Anna: Oh! This movie seems a good film.
Betty: Yes, in my opinion it is very intresting.
Anna: Ok , if I have time maybe I'll watch this movie. And whot you going this weekend?
Betty: I din't know, why?
Anna: Because maibe I will go to the cinema , and I know that you like watching movies. Would you like to come with me?
Betty: Ok, it is a good idea, and witch film do you want to see?
Anna: I don't know, tomorrow I iwll call you and we will talk about it.
Betty: Ok, now I'm going home because I have a lot of homeworks.
Anna: Me too, see you!

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


University couses!

Everybody says that nowadays university couses are very
All over Europe there is a big problem and this problem is the

economical crisis. All youn
g people go to university to improve their future, everybodu want to be somebody.important in this economical situation.
On the one hand, I think that it is agood option todo to university, I also want to go there. If you have a university courses you can have a good job in the future. If you go to university you can to meet a lot of people. You also become more responsable.

On the other hand, the university is very spensive and when you end your university courses then it is very difficult to find a job because everybody wants qualified people.

In my opinion to do to university is a good idea because you can improve your lifebecause if you have university courses you will be able to get a better job.


Premarital sex

Sex before marriage has always been frowned upon in many cultures. Althouhg this is not important in our society. It is a different subject, specially for the church is totally against these relationsships.
Noe a days sex starts before than ten
year ago. The couples don't marry like before, they only live together.

The ralation ships have changed a lot, people become more liberal and they
do whot they want. Before the people were very traditional, and people worried about whot other people thought.
In my opinion we have to respect all decisions, because nowaday there are a lot of people from different religions or sociaties who live in the same country and they can do whot they want.
I think that this subject has improved because now if you talk about this is more natural.


My house is so, so, so small that when the sun comes into my house, I have to leave.

Rich vs Poor people

Rich vs Poor people

Nowadays the world isn't well organixed. In all place we can see very rich or very poor people ant with the crisis it is complicated to improve the families economy.
In the TV pro
grames we can seee the same. There are people who

have alot of things like expensives cars, a big hause, designer clothes, who always go on hollidays...
I know that there are people who work hard to have all this, but others have a lot of money because they have been left it.

In my opinion some rich people don't know how to be rich people, and others yes, because they have everything but they also help a poor people and this is correct.
There are also poor people who live in the streer and they haven't got anything, they live with the help at others people. There are also people who don't have anything because they live in a poor county.

In my opinion we all human beingsand everybody should a second chance, so we must help.



This subject is very diffiicult to explain because everyone has a different opinion about is and I will give my opinion.

I think that all families are very differentd and they have different problems, so if one person isn't happy with their partner I think that it is better that they get a divorce because maybe then this person becomes happier and has a better life.
However I also think that if the couple have children it becames more difficult. In this situation the children aren't guilty of anything but I also know that they are the ones whosuffer more.

In conclution I think that everybody has to do things to be happy, and everybody knows whot they should do.

New ( El País)

Father beheads his daughter

Last week a man from Colombia, who lived in Girona cut his daughters head off, the girls was anly eighteen months old, he said that the girls had become a devil.

In my opinion this news is very sad. I think that the father went crazy or maybe he had a lot of problems like family or economical problems. I also think that this man had a psicological problems because I can't believe how a father could kill his daughther.
Nowadays there are a lot of people who have a lot of problems but nobody kills another person. I think that this man should go to prison and there someone should hepl to him.

Does humour play an importan role in life?

Humour is a thing that makest you more happier and it helps you to be more positeve in the life.

On the one hand, i think that humour plays an important role in our life bacause with humour life is more amusing. Moreover with humour bad moments can become better. I also think that people always remember the goog and funny moments so the people love humour.

On the other hand, the people must also be serious because everybody should think about their future.

In my opinion humour is very important in our life. What's more everybody says that " if you laugh a lot, you will live a long time".
As a result, if everybody thinks like this, homour is a good thing.



Nowadays pollution has increased. At the moment we are in November and in the street the temperature is 20º, this is very dangerous because all the plants and animals are confused and the north and south pole are melting.

There are a lot of types of pollution:
- The atmospheric pollution: it is produced by vehicles and industry like noise , odours, atomic radiation, etc. It is the change of the quality and compositions of the atmosphere by strange substances.
-Wather pollution: is caused by polluted wathe likes industrial watehrs, oil, fertiliers, datergents and other products.
-Food pollution: this pollution is caused by chemical products that the people use ti improve the time of growth of vegetables or productsto kill insects.
- Optical pollution: it refers to all hte visuals aspects that affect the vision. It is a produced by uncontrolled deforestation, garbage, advertisements, poor apparance of buildings. strange colours...
-Sensory pollution: whith is produced by noise, vibration. altering the landscape and the glare of bright lights. And all this can cause problems of concentration, desruption of work, rest and sleep.

In my opinion these five pollution s are the most important but there are a lot more. All these problems are caused by us.


Maria Rosa

This tern I have read a book. The name of this book is Maria Rosa. It is catalan literature, it's modern and romantic theatre. The writher of this book is Àngel Guimerà.

The character are the Maria Rosa and Marçal, they have an impossible love story because Maria Rosa hosband has died and Marçal was his friend. Marçal became a little crazy about Maria Rosa. In this age it was very strange that a women lived alone, but it's also strange that a woman gets married again.
Finally Maria Rosa gets married to Marçal because she loves him a little, but she also loves her hosband and seh think all time about his death.
In the end Maria Rosa discovers tjat the mudere of her hostand was Marçal and she kills him.

In my opinion this book is intresting because it's a thiatre and it is something different to read. I recommend this book to all young people because this age is very different from uors. I also think that Àngel Guimerà is very important for catalunya and he wrote good literature.

Oral presentation BEAUTY

In myopinion I think that this oral presentation don't is the best. Normally I never are nerveous because I know all people of my class. I also read a little because in this subject there are some difficults words pronuns for me like "exagerated", "surgery" and meny more.
I think that the power point that I do with my partner Ariadna was the best because we have a lot of pictures, all the pictures are very colorfulls and intrestings. Our estroctur of oral presentation are most entresting because we didn't speak first 5 minutes one and then 5 minutes the other, instead we took turns because this way is more entreteining. In conclution I think that we can do better the oral presentation, and I'm sure that the next will be better.
I think that my mark is 6!

New ( El País)

A young man kills his girlfriend in Asturias

A man who is 30 yearl old has been arrested for killing his 29 yearls old girlfrend. Afther killing her the man became very nervous, went to a bar and told his friend that he had killed his

His girlfrend had never said that her boyfriend had been ill treatinf her, but his previous partner had mode a complaint about him.

In my opinion who ever mistreats a woman it is because he feels inferior.
I thinkthat the mistreating of womans is only the tip of the iceberg. In my opinion the wemen who suffer abuses must be brave and report it.
The persons who abuses another parsons is not human. We are in XXI centuary ans in my opnion these things are very strange, because we are people and we can't do these tings.

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

My future!

My future!

Hi teacher my name is Mariana and now I'm going to talk about my future.

This year the first thing that I want to do is to pass batxillerat and do the selectivitat, then I want to study for my driving licence because I think that it's very important thing for all your life. If you want to work in summer and the wokr is in another place the driving licence is very important.

I also think that the selectivitat is important because you get a mark and this mark is for all your life. With this mark you can do a different universities and you can choose a different subjects to study.

The long term goals for meis going to the university and doing the university studies like economy, marketing... I don't know which one but something about busness studies.

I'll also want to have a good job. I want to work a little and ear a lot of money like everyone.

I would like to live in a duplex and have a beautiful and good car.In my opinion everyone wants the best life and I'm not different.