This is my last year in the high school so I think that I have learnt a lot of things and in this writing I'm going to speak about whot I have learnt.
In my first writing I used short sentances, easy words and I didn't use many connectors. Howhever in my last writing I was carefol to use connectors and my sentances were more complex. For example now I know how use the conditional and other verb tenses. In my opinion my first oral presentation I was very nervious and I read a lot from my paper, but in my last presentation I improved a lot and I didn't use my notes. I think that on the wholw my pronunciation was better in my last presentation. In spite of the fact that the contents of my last oral presentation were more complicated that the first.
In my opinion my best oral presentation was the one about beauty because the subject was intrestion and I improvised some thin. One of my best writings was about my own country, Ukraine because for me this subject was very spesial and I knew a lot about my country.
In conclution, I think that I have leant a lot these years. I know that I don't dominate English very well, but I would like that in the future Iwill improve my English and I'm sure that it will be usefol for me in me life. Even though I don't use the verbs correctly but I think that if in the future I go to an English speaking country they will be able to understand me.
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012
Everyone knows the fomous news about the king . The king od Spain went to hunt elephants to Africa. On this trip he broke his hip.
Nowadays everybody is speaking about this news. We know that we are living in very bad situation, in crisis but we also know that the king can do whot he wants or that is what it seems. The kingsaid that this trip was a present but we don't know anything more about it.
In my opinion everybody we know that it is not the fierst time that the king goes to hunt elephans because the journalists say taht the famous photo was taken in 2006. I think that the situation is very clear, the policy is in the hands of PP and they don¡t like the king, so one strategy is to criticize the kin because he has done this a lot of times but this time is the firstone that people know anaut it. I disagree with the hunting of animals but I also thing that this news is important only because the policy is intresting in this topic.
Nowadays everybody is speaking about this news. We know that we are living in very bad situation, in crisis but we also know that the king can do whot he wants or that is what it seems. The kingsaid that this trip was a present but we don't know anything more about it.
In my opinion the selectivity is so difficult because you have three days to show wht you have studied all your life especially during the two years of batxillerat. You have studied a lot of information but then you only do one exam. Doing only one exam is so bad because maybe you study one subject a lot and only a little another subject but in the exam maybe they ask you about the subject that you haven't studied because perhaps it was difficult or you didn't like it so much.
I also thinkthat everybody has some bad days and maybe when you go to do the exam youbecome very nervious and then you can't remember enything, you can be very nervious and cad stay in standby. Another bad thing is that the selectivity lasts three days but one faftes the other and it is difficut to prepare all the subjects.
In conclusion I think that it would be a good idea to do the exams separatly with more time setween each one, in this way all the students could prepare the exams better.
9th May The day of Victory!

I also think that for some people this day is also sad because they remenber their families of friends who died in the war.
In conclusion I think that this festival is very important for all the world because all the world took part in this war.
Laura in the city of Saints

This book is about a poor young girl from Barcelona who liv's with her aunt.
Then she meets a guy who has all the heritage of his family so he is rich.
Laura gets married to him because she thinks taht she is in loves whit him.
They move to Tomas's town, but there the people are very cold, not nice people, abd Tomas's sister is jealous of her. Laura hasn't got an friends and Tomas works all day and then goes out with muther women.
Everything goes wrong, and when she becomes pregnant and has a girl a week later the girl dies.
Laura meets a guy and they become friends but all the town talk about her Laura's husband leaves Laura. She returns to Barcelona and lives with nuns.
In my opinion this book is a classic of catalan literature but this year we anly read drama books.
I also think taht with this book we learn that not every book has a happy ending, that there are a lot of types of marriages that where not everybody has good relationship with the family. In fact I would like to be in a place where everybody hates you
Breivik trial: Shoe thorwn at Norway mass killer
The bother on oner of the victims become nervious and threw a shoe at the killer. Ther murder killed seventy-nine people.
In my opinion there are a lot of crazy people maybe it is a genetic illness or maybe these people become ill because of the society. Nowadays there is a lot of stress. I also think that it is very sad that people kill other people. I think that the law sshould be stronger for these people. In my opinion It would be necessary to invest more in protection of people because we live in XX centuary and this world is very dangerous.
In my opinion there are a lot of crazy people maybe it is a genetic illness or maybe these people become ill because of the society. Nowadays there is a lot of stress. I also think that it is very sad that people kill other people. I think that the law sshould be stronger for these people. In my opinion It would be necessary to invest more in protection of people because we live in XX centuary and this world is very dangerous.
News BBC
Cild labor abuses
This new says that in countries like Indonesia, Maroco, Guinea anf India there are a lot of child labor abuses. In this news we can see a girls who work like to be servant so if she works she can't to go to school ans improve. However the Domestic Workers Convention adopted a new law the last year, forbidding domestic work by young children.
In myopinion I think this news item is so sad because in this cauntry the things are very different because all the children go to school and they can't work intil they are 16 years old. I think that it is a very different situation because we live in a developed country. India is sach a poor country so every body needs to work to live.
I think that the solution is that the rich countries stould help the poor countries and in this way maybe people will respect the laws.
This new says that in countries like Indonesia, Maroco, Guinea anf India there are a lot of child labor abuses. In this news we can see a girls who work like to be servant so if she works she can't to go to school ans improve. However the Domestic Workers Convention adopted a new law the last year, forbidding domestic work by young children.
In myopinion I think this news item is so sad because in this cauntry the things are very different because all the children go to school and they can't work intil they are 16 years old. I think that it is a very different situation because we live in a developed country. India is sach a poor country so every body needs to work to live.
I think that the solution is that the rich countries stould help the poor countries and in this way maybe people will respect the laws.
Human rights
1-What are human rights?
In my opinion human rights are standards fot all humans. All humans are equal so all humans deserve the same treatment . Human rihts jutge everybody the same.
2- Why were they created?
In my opinion human raghts were created to protect the weakest people.
3- How many human riths are there?
I think taht there are a lot of humans rights the most important ares are civil and polutical rights and here we can see rights to life, to personal security, to equality before the law, to freesom of thought, freedom of expression and opinion, to notionality...
In economic rights we can see rightd to the property and to economical security.
Social rights it is to food, to work, to social security, to health, to housing and to educationright...
4- Which human right were you not familiar with?
In cultural right there is one that says " right to enjoy the bebefits of science". In my opinion this right is stupid because if the science improve it is fot the humans. Maybe is the scientists discover the solution for cancer I'm sure that every body will enjoy it.
In my opinion human rights are standards fot all humans. All humans are equal so all humans deserve the same treatment . Human rihts jutge everybody the same.
2- Why were they created?
In my opinion human raghts were created to protect the weakest people.
3- How many human riths are there?
I think taht there are a lot of humans rights the most important ares are civil and polutical rights and here we can see rights to life, to personal security, to equality before the law, to freesom of thought, freedom of expression and opinion, to notionality...
In economic rights we can see rightd to the property and to economical security.
Social rights it is to food, to work, to social security, to health, to housing and to educationright...
4- Which human right were you not familiar with?
In cultural right there is one that says " right to enjoy the bebefits of science". In my opinion this right is stupid because if the science improve it is fot the humans. Maybe is the scientists discover the solution for cancer I'm sure that every body will enjoy it.
In my opinion this video is very beautifull and emotional. In this video we can see hiw a tribe of the jungle meet a white man for the first time. I don't know if this video is true or it is a representation but for me this video is very impressive bacause you can see the reaction of the blak man whenhe ses a white man. Ii very beautifull because the people of the jungle know that they are similar but is seems strange for them to see a person af a different colour.
I think that thet if we see an alten we would also have the sema face. I think that it is good to share our objects with another culture like the mans in the video do.
Finalli I think that the reporter have been lucky because they have meet a peaceful tribe because also there tribes who eat people and it is very dangerous for the tourists.
I think that thet if we see an alten we would also have the sema face. I think that it is good to share our objects with another culture like the mans in the video do.
Finalli I think that the reporter have been lucky because they have meet a peaceful tribe because also there tribes who eat people and it is very dangerous for the tourists.
Plz dels Homes nº4
Castelló d'Empúries
Girona 17486
17th, August
Ms Motoc
s/ Hilton III
Geneve 16943
Dear Ms Motoc,
I'm writing to you ti give
you my opinion about sociaty rights, in particular about the right to
Nowadays we are living an
economical crisis sonot every body has a job. There are a lot of
families that live in poverty because maybe nobody of the family is
working, but all the tax that we can to pay don't understant about
the crisis.
We need a solution, I don't
know whot we can do because I am not an expert on that but I think
that you can improve this situation because is you work.
In conclusion I think that
it is impossible to solve the situation but it is probably improve
and help the life of the people.
I woukd like that you look
for a solution.
Yours sincerely,
Mariana Halchyshak
University Resistration is more expensive every day
Next year I would like to do to College, but the next year the registration will become more expensive.
For a lot of families it is a problem but in can be solved however maybe for other the problem is very big problem and I'm sure that the next year fewer people will go to College because it is not anly the registration, also we have to pay ther rent of the apartament, food and other expenses if you far away. Tehre are people who pay the journey every day is you prefer ti live in your hause. These two option are a problem for the parents, but there are students whot work to pay all these things.
The Government says that the next years the universaties will geve more scholarships but it isn't the solution because some students will have scholarships and the others?
I think that this new law is very stupid because is better to leave things as thsey are but now it is too late.
For a lot of families it is a problem but in can be solved however maybe for other the problem is very big problem and I'm sure that the next year fewer people will go to College because it is not anly the registration, also we have to pay ther rent of the apartament, food and other expenses if you far away. Tehre are people who pay the journey every day is you prefer ti live in your hause. These two option are a problem for the parents, but there are students whot work to pay all these things.
The Government says that the next years the universaties will geve more scholarships but it isn't the solution because some students will have scholarships and the others?
I think that this new law is very stupid because is better to leave things as thsey are but now it is too late.
Alaska and Mario
In my opinion nowadays the TV programmes are very bad, but on MTV there is a new reality show which is abaut the life if Alaska And Mario, in my opinion this reality is very different because you can see what the life of two famous people. Is like also it is very fanny because these characters are extravagant. They have arguments but there they feel in love another way. They say whot they think. You can see their routine, their travels, they ideas...
My fauvourite chapter it is when they travel to Los Angeles because Mario doesn't know hove to speak English but he does whot he can. These two people are very fanny and they seem good peaple. You have a good time if you watch this reality I recommend it
My fauvourite chapter it is when they travel to Los Angeles because Mario doesn't know hove to speak English but he does whot he can. These two people are very fanny and they seem good peaple. You have a good time if you watch this reality I recommend it
Credit Cards
Technology has improved a lot in allfields and also the economy. Credit cards now exist.
In the one hand, the credit card has a lot of advantages. You can buy whot you want if you don't have cash it is very confortable in this way you don't have to carry money in your wallet. Sometimes maybe people don't carry a lot of money in their wallet but with the credit card it isn't a problem. If you travel it is so confrtable to use a credit card and it safer because if you lose the credit card you can cancel it, but if you lose the wallet you lose the money.
On the other hand,there are two negative points. The first point is that if you don't control yourself you can have a lot of expenses at the end of month. There are people who buy whot they want but then they don't look at the price or maybe they buy a lot of things. Another negative point is the possibility of the theft or of losing the credit card because there are people who know whot to do to discover the password and then the thieves sped a lot of maney so you have to be careful.
In conclution I think that the credit card is very confortable but it is so dengerous if you don't control what you spend.
In the one hand, the credit card has a lot of advantages. You can buy whot you want if you don't have cash it is very confortable in this way you don't have to carry money in your wallet. Sometimes maybe people don't carry a lot of money in their wallet but with the credit card it isn't a problem. If you travel it is so confrtable to use a credit card and it safer because if you lose the credit card you can cancel it, but if you lose the wallet you lose the money.

Nowadays we live in a consumist society. Everything depends on our economy.
Christmas is the best time for thr consumerism. People buy presents, buy food, every body is happy. there is more advertising... The counters of the stores are decorated. There are a lot of offers. The streets are also decorated and all these small detals make you happier and for this reason you buy more.
In my opinion the consumerism starts with advertising. TV is so important to convince the society to consume. The function of advertising is very clear, on TV, radio, in magazines... we can see advertising everywhere.
Te principal strategy to sell the product. In the advertising you can see all the positive things of the products, in this way they make you belive that you need this product and thet they teach you some complements of the product and in the end you buy all the lot.
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