1-What are human rights?
In my opinion human rights are standards fot all humans. All humans are equal so all humans deserve the same treatment . Human rihts jutge everybody the same.
2- Why were they created?
In my opinion human raghts were created to protect the weakest people.
3- How many human riths are there?
I think taht there are a lot of humans rights the most important ares are civil and polutical rights and here we can see rights to life, to personal security, to equality before the law, to freesom of thought, freedom of expression and opinion, to notionality...
In economic rights we can see rightd to the property and to economical security.
Social rights it is to food, to work, to social security, to health, to housing and to educationright...
4- Which human right were you not familiar with?
In cultural right there is one that says " right to enjoy the bebefits of science". In my opinion this right is stupid because if the science improve it is fot the humans. Maybe is the scientists discover the solution for cancer I'm sure that every body will enjoy it.
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