On one hand I think these things are very normal because if you love a person it dosn'e mathe what social class they are.

In this writing I'm going to describe my sister. Her name is Andriana. She has forteen years old.Her hair is durker than mine, she has brown eyes, she is the same height as me. She has a fringe. She loves talk to everybody. She is never quiet. When she gets back from school, she talks my about her things every day but simetimes i don't like this because she makes me nervous. She always talk me her secrets and mine too.
She is extroverted , funny, open, pleasunt and a crazy person. She didn't like study and going to school, she says that she want to be a cook or actress because she says that this is a perfect job for her.In my opinion me sister is very inteligent but she is very lazy. She favourite sport is volleyball and she plays it with her friends, but she don't like setting up erly for play the matches. She always cooks on weekends but she always cooks the same, she cooks paella.
I remenber on day day when the paella was burlt and she cried all day. When we can clean the house she always has an excuse but her typical excuse is that she has a lot of homework, but then she stay all computer all day.When she was little I remenber that she watched cartoons all day her favourite is detective Conan.
Now she listtens to rap music and I hate it, she pot turns up the the volume and for this reason I know all the song of rap but I don't like any songs.Whe only get angry with each other when we have to share the computer. In general I like to have a sister.
In my opinion travel to another cauntry to study English is very doog idea, because it's easier learn a language when you listen and speak English every day. In this way you learn English very fast, because you watch TV in English, you listen to music in English , speak with your new friends in Englis .
You can work and study for one two or three months you learrn a lot of English.
When I have a children they will learn a lot of English when they are little because the English language is very important in this world.
If you know English you can travel a lot of countries because everybody knowd this language.