Royal decendence
This 16 of November, Prince William from England has announced will get married to Kate Middleton.
In my opinion this news is very normal nociadays because this prince isn't he only one who gets married to a normal person.
For exemple in Spain, the prince Felip got married to Leticia, and she is not from royal decendance like Kate Middleton In Suisa there is the same.
On one hand I think these things are very normal because if you love a person it dosn'e mathe what social class they are.
On one hand I think these things are very normal because if you love a person it dosn'e mathe what social class they are.
But on the other hand for the old people this is a scandal because these things are not usual, because before princes get married princesses.
But at also think that if a prince gets married to a normal person he gives the oportunided to a family to change.
I think that Kate's friends will became very gelous when she get married to the prince.

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