Final Reflection
Last year I also didfirst of batxillerat and I didn't understand enything. When I did writings first I did the writing in catalan and then I translated the writing to English.
This year I think that I have improved because when I did writings for my space I did them in English.
When I look at my writings of September I see a lot of mistakes and I also see Thet I didn't write the verbs well.
Now maybe I also make less mistakes but I think that I improved. Before my writings were very short and they didin't have connectors and maybe the words in the sentences were in the wrong order.
I think that the activities that show my level of English best are all of the writings because we do a lot of writings and all of them are different. By doing writings I also have amproved my vovabulary because I search a lot of words, thanks to the writings I search to do the writing directly. in English, and maybe thanks to writings I think faster in English.
The oral presentation has also help me to improve my pronunciation.
In the one hand this year the most important activity that has help me the the most is the blod. Doing the blog you have to do a lot of writings and in the end you can do writings without a dictionary. With the blog I aldo do podcast so I improve my pronunciation.
In the other hand in language class I have done two or three readings and listenings and now I feel annoyed with myself for not doing more because in next year these activities will be very important and difficult for me.
I know that in English class we study and improve a lot because we work hard but we also have a good time.
The best of English class for me is when we speak in English because everybody tries and sometimes people say very funny things.
I also like preparing my oral presentation with my friend because we search for information but we also have a good time, I also like to do the podcast, I like do it anly or with my partners it is funny because when you have finished the podcast, you listen it and you laugh a lot.
In conclusion I think that this year I have improved a lot because I work hard, but I also have a good time.
I want to learn English language because nowaday it is very important but I think that I kearn very well English If I continue to fight.
jueves, 9 de junio de 2011
lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
domingo, 5 de junio de 2011
Mediterranean food!
I'm going to talk about mediterranean food. I think that mediterranean food is better than others countris like England or China because they always eat the same food for examlpe in England the food is very fatty like hamburgers, hot dogs and they like drinking a lot of cocacola.
The typical food from China is rice and they always eating rice, for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner.
I like mediterranean foof because it is very healthy. You can choose to eat fish, meat, fruit or vegetables.
I like eating meat and vegetables but I don't like fish. Maybe my fovourite food is pizza I know that it isn't mediterranean foof but in Spain you can eating everithing.
On the one hand. I think that the mediterranean food is very healthy and in my opinion everybody can try this food.
On the other hand, it is very interesting to try food from differents countries. In this way people can choose their favourite food.
I'm going to talk about mediterranean food. I think that mediterranean food is better than others countris like England or China because they always eat the same food for examlpe in England the food is very fatty like hamburgers, hot dogs and they like drinking a lot of cocacola.
The typical food from China is rice and they always eating rice, for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner.
I like mediterranean foof because it is very healthy. You can choose to eat fish, meat, fruit or vegetables.
I like eating meat and vegetables but I don't like fish. Maybe my fovourite food is pizza I know that it isn't mediterranean foof but in Spain you can eating everithing.
On the one hand. I think that the mediterranean food is very healthy and in my opinion everybody can try this food.
On the other hand, it is very interesting to try food from differents countries. In this way people can choose their favourite food.

informal letter
Dear Sofi,
This summer I'm not going to work so if you want you can come to visit me. Since 2009 we haven't met.
I have one idea : you can come to Castelló d'Empúries and you can sleep and eat in my house. But if you want to know new places of you want to stay in a hotel I can help you.
If you came to Castelló you can meet very frendly and sociable people. Here you can visit the Cathedral, the old prison and the flour museum. These place are very calm and a little boring. If you want more extroverted holidayys you can take the bus and go to Empuriabrav, there you can go to the beach to relax, swim or sunbathe and you can be a parachutist for one day.
Also you can go to Figueres yo visit the famous Dalí museum. In Figueres you can also buy a lot of clothes because there are a lot of shops.
If you want to go to parties go to Empuriabrava there is the famous disco Pacha and in Roses you van go to Chic.
Finally I advise ypu to take a lot of clothes because here the temperature is very "crazy":
sometimes it is hot and sometimes it is cold or it rains.
I would like that for these holidays you stay home, this way we will spend more time together.
Keep in touch,
I choose this writing because I think that it is the best because I write about my town.
This subjest is easy for me because I know about whot I write.
This summer I'm not going to work so if you want you can come to visit me. Since 2009 we haven't met.
I have one idea : you can come to Castelló d'Empúries and you can sleep and eat in my house. But if you want to know new places of you want to stay in a hotel I can help you.
If you came to Castelló you can meet very frendly and sociable people. Here you can visit the Cathedral, the old prison and the flour museum. These place are very calm and a little boring. If you want more extroverted holidayys you can take the bus and go to Empuriabrav, there you can go to the beach to relax, swim or sunbathe and you can be a parachutist for one day.
Also you can go to Figueres yo visit the famous Dalí museum. In Figueres you can also buy a lot of clothes because there are a lot of shops.
If you want to go to parties go to Empuriabrava there is the famous disco Pacha and in Roses you van go to Chic.
Finally I advise ypu to take a lot of clothes because here the temperature is very "crazy":
sometimes it is hot and sometimes it is cold or it rains.
I would like that for these holidays you stay home, this way we will spend more time together.
Keep in touch,
I choose this writing because I think that it is the best because I write about my town.
This subjest is easy for me because I know about whot I write.
This summer I want to do a lot of things. 
The first thing and the most important is to look for a job. This summer I want to work in a real job. I will want to carn a lot of money to go to the holidays with my friends or my boyfriend.
Then I want go to the beach to sunbathe and relax on the beach.
I also will want to go to parties or discos with my friends. I like going to differe
nt places so this summer I also want to visit differens towns or cities.
This summer I would like go to the Aqua Brava because last year I diden't go.
I know taht to do all these things is very difficult if I work but I will work hard to go all these things.
I think that this summers will be special because this summer I will have my money and I will do whot I want.
And the other thing that I want to do with my money is to take my driving test.
But it is possible taht I don't have the money for all these things.

The first thing and the most important is to look for a job. This summer I want to work in a real job. I will want to carn a lot of money to go to the holidays with my friends or my boyfriend.
Then I want go to the beach to sunbathe and relax on the beach.
I also will want to go to parties or discos with my friends. I like going to differe

This summer I would like go to the Aqua Brava because last year I diden't go.
I know taht to do all these things is very difficult if I work but I will work hard to go all these things.
I think that this summers will be special because this summer I will have my money and I will do whot I want.
And the other thing that I want to do with my money is to take my driving test.

But it is possible taht I don't have the money for all these things.

My favourite TV programme is the serial Friends. I watch this serial every days on "cuatro" from a quarter past one to three o'clock.
This serial is very funny, when I watch Friends I laugh all the time. In this serial there are six characters.
Jowy, he is an actor ans he has a nwe girlfriend every days.
Chetler works in a company and he tells bad jokes all the time.
Ross is a doctor, he works in a museum and he hasbeen married several times.
Monica is the Ross's sister ans she is a cook she ias always cooking at hame.
Rachal works with fashion clothes and Fibi is a very peaceful girl.
All of them are friends and every day they have a different problem but they solve these problems togetehr.
I love all os these characters because all of them are very funny. They always say a very funny things but what I like most is their caracter and their attitude to words.
This serial is very long and you can see how the characters ans the story go on.
I think that if you watch it one or two times then you'll watch Friends every day because it is the funniest serial that I seen in all my life.

Long distance love:
Nowadays there are a lot of couples who have very difficult job, maybe they have to travel one day to Madrid and another to Paris.
In my opinion nowadays there are more couples who have long dintance love but I also think that at the moment it is easier to have these relationships with the modern technology like internet, the mobile phone or the blackberry.
If you live in Barcelona and your partner lives or has a job in Berlin you can speak to him Or her every day with the mobile phone or with internet.
At the moment there are also cheap flights and you can buy a ticket to go one day to another country and in this form you can visit your partner when you want or when you can.
Another option is the Skype you can speak with your partner using the webcam and it is free.
I know that it is difficult have your partner in another country and aften without him or her but nowadays this is possible because technology gives you a lot of option to solve the distance problem.
pod cast
L: Hi Mariana, how are you?
M: Hi Livia, I'm fun and you?
L: Me to, are you finish the school?
M: Yes, I'm finished the last week, and now i'm going to the beach.
L: I just finish working, do you want that I coming with you to the beach?
M: OK, andwe can talk about our lifes. Where you work?
L: In the clothes shoop in front of the beach.
M: I also look for job because I need money for my things but there aren't work because I'm was late to get a job.
L: Oooh, this is a problem because now there are a big crisis in the world, and it affect a young people.
M: Yes this is true but I maybe work with my family in the restaurant.
L: It's a good job
M: And how are your family?
L: Fun thengs. In this Augost I'll go with my boyfriend to holidays in Dominican Republic.
M: Oh! This is fantastic. If I got money I also trubel with my boyfriend, but I trubel to the Italy.
L: It's a very beautiful countri, OK than, lets go to swim?
M: Ok lets go!
Nowadays when we speak about abortion people don't think anythinh negative about it.
Before people think taht abortion was a very bad thing because when you did this you killed baby.
I think that the new law about aborting is very good because if you get pregnant and you are only 16 years old I think that you destroy your life. If you are a teenager and you have a baby I think that your life will change because can't study and look after a baby at the same time.
I alsothink that when you are a teenager you only think about going to parties, saying with friendsor things of teenager.
When you have a baby your life changes you don't thinl about youself because you have a little person who depend on you and you anly do things for your baby.
I think that abortion is a good option for young people because if you can have an abortion you cancontinue your life and maybe you can improve and became am important person.
When you are prepared to have a baby it is because you meed this little person and can bring up the baby.
I know people who have a baby at 17 years old and this baby it's with grantmother ant its mim goes to parties and with her friends.
I think that the baby dosn't deserve this life.
In conclusion abortion is a good option for people who aren't sure about if they want a baby or not.
Nowadays when we speak about abortion people don't think anythinh negative about it.
Before people think taht abortion was a very bad thing because when you did this you killed baby.
I think that the new law about aborting is very good because if you get pregnant and you are only 16 years old I think that you destroy your life. If you are a teenager and you have a baby I think that your life will change because can't study and look after a baby at the same time.
I alsothink that when you are a teenager you only think about going to parties, saying with friendsor things of teenager.
When you have a baby your life changes you don't thinl about youself because you have a little person who depend on you and you anly do things for your baby.
I think that abortion is a good option for young people because if you can have an abortion you cancontinue your life and maybe you can improve and became am important person.
When you are prepared to have a baby it is because you meed this little person and can bring up the baby.
I know people who have a baby at 17 years old and this baby it's with grantmother ant its mim goes to parties and with her friends.
I think that the baby dosn't deserve this life.
In conclusion abortion is a good option for people who aren't sure about if they want a baby or not.
Make your dreams come true:
I chose this subject because I'm sure that there are a lot of people who have a lot of dreams, but sometimes these people don't do anythig to make them true.
When we are children we don't think about our future or about our live, we only enjoy the moment. When we are a little bigger and we go to the shcool we only think about our marks but we don't know about the use of marks. Nowadays some teenagers don't know what they want to do in the future. There are also people who know what they want but they can't get their dreams for family or economocal problems.
In my opinion if you have a freas, fight for it because everybody anly has one life and I think that it is better to do the things that you like and not dot what you hate as you think abous all what you lost.
If you are sure about whot you want, fight and strive because in the future you'll have a reward.
I chose this subject because I'm sure that there are a lot of people who have a lot of dreams, but sometimes these people don't do anythig to make them true.
When we are children we don't think about our future or about our live, we only enjoy the moment. When we are a little bigger and we go to the shcool we only think about our marks but we don't know about the use of marks. Nowadays some teenagers don't know what they want to do in the future. There are also people who know what they want but they can't get their dreams for family or economocal problems.
In my opinion if you have a freas, fight for it because everybody anly has one life and I think that it is better to do the things that you like and not dot what you hate as you think abous all what you lost.

If you are sure about whot you want, fight and strive because in the future you'll have a reward.
The Cathedral of the Sea:
This year I read a book " The Cathedral of the Sea".
The author of this book is Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra. This book has 669 page so it is very long. This book is a historical novel.
This novel explains the life if a Catalon family in the XIV centuary. This novel also speaks about how the people built this cathedral.
In my opinion this book is very long but at the same tine it is very interesting. When you are reading the book you image all whot you are reading. When you start reading this book you can't stap because you want to know whot happens to this family (Estanyol). This book teaches you how were the people, the sociaty and the culture at this time. In my case when I had read all book I wanted more. I also wanted to go to Barcelona tovisit this cathedral.
I recommend this book to everyone. Especially for teenagers because they can read this book in the summer holidays and for adult people because I think that this novel is intrestinf for all ages.
This year I read a book " The Cathedral of the Sea".
The author of this book is Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra. This book has 669 page so it is very long. This book is a historical novel.
This novel explains the life if a Catalon family in the XIV centuary. This novel also speaks about how the people built this cathedral.
In my opinion this book is very long but at the same tine it is very interesting. When you are reading the book you image all whot you are reading. When you start reading this book you can't stap because you want to know whot happens to this family (Estanyol). This book teaches you how were the people, the sociaty and the culture at this time. In my case when I had read all book I wanted more. I also wanted to go to Barcelona tovisit this cathedral.
I recommend this book to everyone. Especially for teenagers because they can read this book in the summer holidays and for adult people because I think that this novel is intrestinf for all ages.
Oral presentation
In this presentation we are going to talk about drugs, their consequences and how drugs affect in young people. We have chosen this subject because nowadays we can see this problem all around us.
We also chose this subject because we think that people take drugs to forget their problems or to relax because they think that drugs aren't a problem to their healt. There are other people who take drugs in order to have new sensations. With this project we show you a consequences of drugs.
Drugs are an addictive substance that affects the nervous system because they relax you or make you nervious. But the problem is that drugs have secundary effects that can ruin your body.
A lot of people think that drugs is a new things. But in the XIX cebtury people know drugs, like the oriental people who take opio. A lot of civilitations take drugs for their religion, for rituals or to cure people. Hownever occidental people don't use drugs. In USA in the eighties alcohol was forbidden but there were people who trafficked with this drug. Nowadays tobacco and alcohol are legal but because of these legal drugs people die.
Types of drugs
Physical need:
Is when a person's body gets used to drugs to live their life.
Phsychologic need:
Here people need drugs to avoid discomfort or gets pleasure.
There are three types of drugs :
-Nervous system stimulatns: The affects that these drugs have : to improve the mood and increase happiness, decrease appetite, you lose sleep and increase in your heart beat. You stay nervous all the time, the famous drugs of these types are: the coffe, tobacco, cocaine, anphetaminas, antidepressive.
-Nervous system depressions : These types of drugs relax the nervous system. If you take big doses the drugs canpaeralize your brain and can cause death to the person. People take these drugs to sleeping, despression and for personal distress. The famous drugs of these types are : alcohol, barbiturates and drugs of opio.
-Hallucinogens: These drugs produce hallucionations. These types of drugs affect only your brain , cause dilation of the pupils, cold in the arms and legs and stomach pain. These drugs can also produce frightening and traumatic experiences.
The usually drug of these types are: cannabis, LSD and the natural hallucinogens are the fungi.
Designer drugs:
There are tablets of many colours and patterns, which consumers can choose according to theis preferences, These types of drugs are usuallyfor the nervous stimolants. The people who take these drugs think that they won't harm them, but really these drugs produce irreversible brain damage. The nagative effects of these drugs are: increases hearbeart, trembling, insomnia, confusion, visual or auditory hallucinations...
Illegal and legal drugs
The illegal drugs can't be consumed, cultivate or sold people who don't obey the law, can go to jail or pay a fine depending on the quantity or drugs they have. Illegal drugs are: opiates, cannabis, cocaine or hallucinogens.
Legal drugs are drugs that the law doesn't ban and people you can take and buy thse drugs anywhere. legal drugs are alcohol, tobacco and coffee.
Bob Marley smoked morihuana every day because he liked it and because in his culture it was normal and in his country it's legal. Marihuana reassured he and maybe for this reason his songs were calm. Nowadays a lot of teenagers want to be like Bob Marley because in his songs he give his opinion of the injustice in the world, and because he was peacefull maybe for the marihuana.
We think that nowadays young people start talking drugs earlier and this is a problem because during you teenage years your body and brain become mature and drugs affect your body more. We also think that each person is responsilbe of himself an has to worry about his walfare. So every one choose his live.
In the last oral presentation I spoke about drugs with Ariadna.
I think that in this presentation I have improved a lot, I think that this presentation was the best. In this presentation I only read some words and I spoke every time, I looked at the public amn sometimes I made gestares to make the presentation more interesting. When I don't remenber something I improvice with my vocabulary. I think that the presentation was easy to understand because we do all the presentation with our vocabulary.
In our power point we didn't put too many words because we spoke about every thing. We used a lot of picturs because when people looked at picture we spoke aboute them.
I think that we improved o lot compared to other presentation. In this presentation I only became nervous at the start and then I was relaxed. This presentation was good because we studied the subject very well and when anybody asked a question we answered.
I think that this term my friend Ariadna and me will have a goog mark.
In this presentation we are going to talk about drugs, their consequences and how drugs affect in young people. We have chosen this subject because nowadays we can see this problem all around us.
We also chose this subject because we think that people take drugs to forget their problems or to relax because they think that drugs aren't a problem to their healt. There are other people who take drugs in order to have new sensations. With this project we show you a consequences of drugs.
Drugs are an addictive substance that affects the nervous system because they relax you or make you nervious. But the problem is that drugs have secundary effects that can ruin your body.
A lot of people think that drugs is a new things. But in the XIX cebtury people know drugs, like the oriental people who take opio. A lot of civilitations take drugs for their religion, for rituals or to cure people. Hownever occidental people don't use drugs. In USA in the eighties alcohol was forbidden but there were people who trafficked with this drug. Nowadays tobacco and alcohol are legal but because of these legal drugs people die.
Types of drugs
Physical need:
Is when a person's body gets used to drugs to live their life.
Phsychologic need:
Here people need drugs to avoid discomfort or gets pleasure.
There are three types of drugs :
-Nervous system stimulatns: The affects that these drugs have : to improve the mood and increase happiness, decrease appetite, you lose sleep and increase in your heart beat. You stay nervous all the time, the famous drugs of these types are: the coffe, tobacco, cocaine, anphetaminas, antidepressive.
-Nervous system depressions : These types of drugs relax the nervous system. If you take big doses the drugs canpaeralize your brain and can cause death to the person. People take these drugs to sleeping, despression and for personal distress. The famous drugs of these types are : alcohol, barbiturates and drugs of opio.
-Hallucinogens: These drugs produce hallucionations. These types of drugs affect only your brain , cause dilation of the pupils, cold in the arms and legs and stomach pain. These drugs can also produce frightening and traumatic experiences.
The usually drug of these types are: cannabis, LSD and the natural hallucinogens are the fungi.
Designer drugs:
There are tablets of many colours and patterns, which consumers can choose according to theis preferences, These types of drugs are usuallyfor the nervous stimolants. The people who take these drugs think that they won't harm them, but really these drugs produce irreversible brain damage. The nagative effects of these drugs are: increases hearbeart, trembling, insomnia, confusion, visual or auditory hallucinations...
Illegal and legal drugs
The illegal drugs can't be consumed, cultivate or sold people who don't obey the law, can go to jail or pay a fine depending on the quantity or drugs they have. Illegal drugs are: opiates, cannabis, cocaine or hallucinogens.
Legal drugs are drugs that the law doesn't ban and people you can take and buy thse drugs anywhere. legal drugs are alcohol, tobacco and coffee.
Bob Marley smoked morihuana every day because he liked it and because in his culture it was normal and in his country it's legal. Marihuana reassured he and maybe for this reason his songs were calm. Nowadays a lot of teenagers want to be like Bob Marley because in his songs he give his opinion of the injustice in the world, and because he was peacefull maybe for the marihuana.
We think that nowadays young people start talking drugs earlier and this is a problem because during you teenage years your body and brain become mature and drugs affect your body more. We also think that each person is responsilbe of himself an has to worry about his walfare. So every one choose his live.
In the last oral presentation I spoke about drugs with Ariadna.
I think that in this presentation I have improved a lot, I think that this presentation was the best. In this presentation I only read some words and I spoke every time, I looked at the public amn sometimes I made gestares to make the presentation more interesting. When I don't remenber something I improvice with my vocabulary. I think that the presentation was easy to understand because we do all the presentation with our vocabulary.
In our power point we didn't put too many words because we spoke about every thing. We used a lot of picturs because when people looked at picture we spoke aboute them.
I think that we improved o lot compared to other presentation. In this presentation I only became nervous at the start and then I was relaxed. This presentation was good because we studied the subject very well and when anybody asked a question we answered.
I think that this term my friend Ariadna and me will have a goog mark.
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