I chose this subject because I'm sure that there are a lot of people who have a lot of dreams, but sometimes these people don't do anythig to make them true.
When we are children we don't think about our future or about our live, we only enjoy the moment. When we are a little bigger and we go to the shcool we only think about our marks but we don't know about the use of marks. Nowadays some teenagers don't know what they want to do in the future. There are also people who know what they want but they can't get their dreams for family or economocal problems.
In my opinion if you have a freas, fight for it because everybody anly has one life and I think that it is better to do the things that you like and not dot what you hate as you think abous all what you lost.

If you are sure about whot you want, fight and strive because in the future you'll have a reward.
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